Monday, February 16, 2009

It's time to Think Spring! & Save

I could talk about ways to save all day... One great way is to have your own garden! There's not need to get crazy, although some of us do... Start small. When I lived in an apartment, I had some container plants, that survived just fine.

1. Tomato's - they are easy to grow & taste so much better fresh
2. Strawberries - I had some in a hanging basket... Worked great
3. Bell Peppers - also easy to grow in a container
4. Herbs galore - keep in mind - you can plant the herbs around your other Fruits/Veggies. This is called companion gardening... Please let me know if you have any questions about this. Companion gardening example - Plant Chives around your Tomatos and this will help to ward off predatory insects.

Get more Gardening Tips, Tricks & a Coupon from Wayside Gardens!
Wayside Gardens

Or get a 10% Discount off your Spring Seed Purchase at Park Seed:
Park Seed

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